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All LOCAL LANGUAGE text is translated from English. Every effort is made to translate all documents accurately but the English version will prevail in the event of any ambiguity. QNET is not liable for any losses caused by any discrepancy between the two versions.

Seek independent advice before accepting any document or text including the Policies and Procedures or Sales Terms and Conditions that's not translated into LOCAL LANGUAGE and/or which you do not understand. QNET will rely on your acceptance of all terms or conditions.

We will email you a copy of the Business Agreement, Policies & ProceduresCode of Ethics and the Earnings and Income Disclaimer for your future reference. However, be aware that these documents may be updated without notice and it is your obligation to check for any amendments which may be made.

By using eStore, you agree to accept unconditionally the terms of this Disclaimer and as they may be revised and/or amended from time to time by QNet Ltd without prior notice to you. It’s your obligation to monitor and check for any revisions and/or any amendments which may be made.

By clicking ACCEPT, I agree that:

  • I accept the terms and conditions of the Policies & Procedures, Code of Ethics, and Earnings and Income Disclaimer.
  • I confirm this is my only IRship and I understand multiple accounts are prohibited in the Policies & Procedures. I allow my personal information to be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  • The person who introduced me to QNet Ltd treated me fairly at all times.
  • QNET will email me a copy of the Business Agreement, Policies & Procedures, Code of Ethics, and Earnings Disclaimer.
  • Be reminded that you are not allowed to duplicate your IRship by submitting further application(s). Duplication of IRship is a violation of the company's Policies & Procedures. An IR committing such violation will be subject to any action the company deems fit to rectify such duplication of IRship.
  • I hereby expressly provide my consent to QNet Ltd. to use the personal information submitted for the purpose of enrolling me into the business plan as stipulated in the P&P and activities incidental thereto and for the purchase of products under T&C. I understand and agree that the personal information submitted may be disclosed to third party as may be necessary to give effect and to carry out the terms and conditions of this Business Agreement. I allow my personal information to be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  • All card transactions processed from payment gateway outside Hong Kong but charged in Hong Kong Dollars (i.e. without any currency conversion) can be subject to an international transaction fee charged by the card-issuing bank towards the credit card user. This international transaction fee shall be payable by the credit card user and debited by the user's bank, from the user's credit card account without acknowledging QNet. This includes, but is not limited to, any card transaction in Hong Kong Dollars on the website of QNet. QNet is not responsible and will not be responsible for the charging of any transaction fee mentioned in this clause and shall not be liable for any form and/ or any amount of reimbursement.

Energy Duo Kit
HKD 10,310.00 HKD 9,850.00


What Do You Get?

One-Year IRShip Package

  • IR Ship Fee (one year)
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

        - eStore
        - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 2 pc



Energy Wellness Kit
HKD 11,500.00 HKD 9,890.00


What Do You Get?

One-Year IRShip Package

  • IR Ship Fee (one year)
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

        - eStore
        - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 1 pc

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 1 pc

Amezcua BioLight 3 1 pc



Flower of Life Pendant Duo Kit
HKD 10,450.00 HKD 9,750.00


What Do You Get?

One-Year IRShip Package

  • IR Ship Fee (one year)
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

        - eStore
        - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 2 pc



Light Therapy Kit
HKD 6,440.00 HKD 5,280.00


What Do You Get?

One-Year IRShip Package

  • IR Ship Fee (one year)
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

        - eStore
        - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 1 pc

Amezcua BioLight 3 1 pc



Energy and Life Kit
HKD 10,380.00 HKD 9,800.00


What Do You Get?

One-Year IRShip Package

  • IR Ship Fee (one year)
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

        - eStore
        - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

Amezcua Bio Disc 3 1 pc

Amezcua Chi Pendant 4 1 pc



Starting with other products
HKD 100.00


What Do You Get?

Starting with other products Package

  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong Virtual Office
  • One-year access to the QNET Hong Kong EStores:

    - eStore
    - Redemption Store

  • Q Account to manage your commissions
  • Online business marketing and eCommerce tools
  • IR Business Card template

* Please go to eStore to choose your Starter Product(s).



Payable Amount Due
Balance Due



Important Message

1. When you validate your eCard, it is important that you complete the transaction by pressing the 'Confirm' button. Alternatively, if you decide to cancel the transaction you should press the 'Cancel' button. If you do not press 'Confirm' or 'Cancel', your eCard will be locked for 2 hours and will not be useable during this time due to security reason.

2. eCard No. and eCard Pin are case sensitive